Getting Real With It |Charlottesville Virginia Wedding Photographer Sarah Houston Photography
It's time to be real. I feel like it's been a looooong time since I've been honest and so much has happened since I left my job in May. I've been busy thankfully but I've also learned a lot, more than I've learned in the six years working both!
I thought that I'd have more time, be less stressed and get to do alllll the things I wanted to do but couldn't. Well I'm finding out that I don't have anymore time than I did before (lol), I honestly don't know how I juggled it all before! The stress is still there and actually a bit more because I don't have the security of a paycheck! As for doing all the things I wanted....well that hasn't really happened either, but it's ok!
Its not glamorous, but it certainly is more rewarding than the job I had before. Even though I'm a bit scared sometimes and I doubt myself...I know that this will all work because I love it so so much.
Now to catch up on editing & blogging what I've been up to!